Crime Team

  Crime-based team-building days where you solve the mystery 
... and find out about your team

The M.O. 

Ignition Investigation runs indoor team-building events, in which teams spend the day as detectives, solving a complex crime puzzle. There'll be clues, suspects, motives, and deep dark secrets: though all our crimes are bloodless.

You can play for the sheer enjoyment of it: and our players agree it's high-energy, challenging fun.

You can use the event to develop insights into the team for its leader.

You can even use the game as a recruitment and candidate assessment tool.

But primarily, it's a brilliant way to find out just what everyone in your team is capable of...

Why crime pays

It's never been more important to build a team. 

With today's dispersed working, it can be difficult for people to feel they belong and are part of a team. Consequently, people are spending less and less time in one organisation.

Therefore, it's vital that organisations create strong, welcoming and bonded teams if they want to retain real talent.

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